Danijela Negro 



A trusted advisor and mentor to my clients, candidates and team. Still in the game because I thrive on the journey and witnessing the success of those around me.

Danijela co-founded Alexander Appointments in January 2003, six months after the birth of her son Alexander, hence the name! Her first few years in recruitment were spent working for a large global agency. She is grateful to them for taking a chance on her, an Accountant at the time, keen and hungry for new challenges. It proved to be a good move for her, as she really found her passion. Client’s love working with Danijela because she takes the time to understand their businesses at a deeper level, taking genuine interest in their organisations and their own personal journey’s. They love that she is not pushy and respectful of their decisions, even if she sometimes doesn’t agree with them! Danijela has a deep respect for her team, investing most of her time mentoring and enabling them to thrive, whilst maintaining a hands-on approach with clients, to ensure she never loses touch with the industries and people she is so passionate about!

Consultant Jobs

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