
We earn the trust we give. A Continental employee hands over a key to his colleague as a symbol of trust. Trust is the basis for everything we do and the prerequisite for our success. Without trust, there is no constructive teamwork. That is why we trust ourselves and we place our trust in others. We keep our promises – to all of our employees, business partners and all other stakeholders of Continental. We are aware that trust is hard to gain and can be easily destroyed. That is why we, at all times, justify the trust that has been placed in us.

As their partner and reliable supporter for all our stakeholders, we help them develop and grow – at the same time becoming stronger ourselves. We put ourselves in their position and think about what is important to them now and in the future. We listen to what they say and notice what they do not say. We free their path of obstacles. We acknowledge the performance of our employees, including their collective and individual successes. A breach of trust weakens us, which is why we will not tolerate it.

The way to set an example can be described and recognized as follows:

  • Confidence in oneself and in others
  • We empower our employees and put them in charge early on in their careers.
  • Stakeholder orientation

We establish and foster sustainable relationships with our stakeholders, such as customers, employees, investors, business partners, politicians and society.


We communicate openly and offer support to each other.


We are role models for each other, keep our promises, value integrity, obey all applicable legal requirements and internal regulations, and have an authentic hands-on approach.


We put ourselves in the position of our stakeholders to understand what is important to them.


We trust and respect each other.

For One Another

  • We attain top value with a spirit for one another.
  • A Continental employee shows his colleague a product.

Continental AG

Our company’s viability and development depend, in particular, on the close cooperation of our global team and on working for one another. We stand united, combining our forces across the organization and putting aside individual interests. In this way, we achieve the greatest possible value and success for Continental.

We stand up for and can rely on each other. We provide mutual support to one another, mindfully and without being specifically asked to do so. We work for one another, making everyone’s work easier each day and enhancing everyone’s greatness. We share our knowledge because that is how we can increase it. We state our position clearly and communicate in an open and candid manner – even when talking about mistakes we have made and averted. After all, that is what helps us constantly learn from one another.

We appreciate the diversity of people, their expertise and experiences in our company because we need them and draw on them daily as a source of inspiration and creativity.

The way to set an example can be described and recognized as follows:

  • Appreciating and incorporating the diversity
  • We actively involve diverse backgrounds as a source of inspiration, creativity and innovation.
  • Willingness to share
  • We all make knowledge accessible throughout our organization and enable each other to adapt quickly to changing environments.


We actively promote and seek frequent, direct and honest feedback on our performance, including behaviour.


  • We celebrate individual and collective success together.
  • Team spirit/network behaviour
  • We foster network behaviour and enable and encourage each other to work together across organizational and cultural interfaces.

Bundling forces

We work together for the value of Continental and not primarily to our own advantage.

  • Continental AG Freedom To Act
  • We grow with freedom and its responsibility.
  • A Continental employee explains his idea to his colleagues.

Freedom to act and personal responsibility are the roots of Continental’s growth. We strengthen our vitality and sustainability by granting the greatest possible freedom to our employees early on in their career and encouraging them to use that freedom. At every level, we promote their enthusiasm that they self-organize their work and assume responsibility for the results.

We organize our interaction according to balanced rules. All individual contributions count, and we consolidate them to generate a maximum value contribution for our company and its stakeholders.

We respect the freedom of future generations and live up to our responsibility towards them. With our products and services, we help expand – and do not restrict – their opportunities for development.

The way to set an example can be described and recognized as follows:

Self-Responsibility and Accountability

We foster entrepreneurship and enable and encourage each other to self-organize our tasks.

Innovative Spirit

We are realizing our ideas in tomorrow’s products and services today, ensuring their success through quality and performance.

Being Value-Oriented

We create value according to the principles of sustainability to provide highly qualitative and innovative solutions.


We respect the freedom of others, including future generations, and act responsibly.


We welcome and are open to the ideas of others.

Passion To Win

  • We have the passion to win.
  • Two Continental employees give each other a high five.

Continental AG

Competition is our world, top performance is our goal. We want to create value continuously. For this, we give our best.

Our products and services always meet our highest quality standards. We bring new and innovative products and solutions to market faster than others. We continuously improve our products and solutions. We continually simplify our processes. We overcome obstacles and boundaries. And we never let up in these endeavors.

We want first class performance with style, on the merits of our own culture. We provide loyal and genuine support to our stakeholders (such as customers, employees, investors, business partners, politicians and society). We are ethical in dealing with our competitors.

The way to set an example can be described and recognized as follows:

Fighting Spirit

We challenge existing limits and are thus a driving force for progress.

Quality Orientation

We make quality the prime focus of our daily life.

Execution Excellence/Agility

We reward excellence, and address substandard performance.


We are passionate about adding value to our customers and thus to all stakeholders of Continental.


We are accomplishing success while maintaining fair competition and do not tolerate anti-competitive behavior.

Constant Learning

We promote lifelong learning along with personal and professional development.

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