As the HR landscape evolves, it's imperative for HR professionals to adopt strategies that safeguard their well-being and enable them to shift their attention from day-to-day operations to more strategic initiatives. In HR, versatility is key; you're required to master numerous roles while maintaining a delicate equilibrium. Juggling routine responsibilities such as conflict resolution, leadership development, compliance, and others, while simultaneously taking charge of strategic business initiatives presents multi-layered challenges.
Presently, HR is navigating through significant changes and adaptations in Australia's industrial relations, and these are compounded by financial pressures affecting employees and the adoption of new and innovative working methods by leaders. HR professionals are now entrusted with an expanded array of roles. They must function as competent mediators, vigilant compliance officers, future-of-work visionaries, talent connoisseurs, leadership mentors, and the list goes on!
So, while the diversity of roles is an initial attraction to a HR career, excessive demands can lead to overwhelming stress and even burnout! The onus on HR professionals, however, extends beyond managing burnout in their workforce; they must also safeguard their own well-being, a formidable task considering their workloads. So, what's the remedy? Below, are some focal points for HR to consider to try and ensure their own well-being at work.
Delegation to Line Management
Insights from the 2022 State of HR research, supported by the Australian HR Institute and conducted by academics from Swinburne, RMIT, Deakin, and the University of South Australia, reveal that nearly half (47%) of HR teams have entrusted some conventional HR responsibilities to line managers. A noteworthy 19% report that line managers now shoulder a substantial chunk of traditional HR tasks such as hiring, onboarding, recruitment management, rewards programs, performance management, team cohesion initiatives and succession planning etc.
This shift is logical, given that managers engage directly with their teams. With proper guidance from HR, line managers can effectively manage day-to-day HR, freeing HR leaders to focus on strategic projects like shaping work models for hybrid environments.
Embrace Technology as an Ally
Traditionally, the 'human' and 'technology' aspects of work were always perceived as directly opposed. Yet, in 2023, this perspective has transformed. HR professionals must understand and leverage technology to enhance work efficiency and save valuable time. This means embracing established technology such as intuitive HR information systems (HRIS), which consolidate processes and provide comprehensive overviews. HR can also be innovative by exploring emerging tech solutions to drive efficiencies even further.
The development of AI-powered technologies such as Chat GPT have given birth to tools designed to amplify work speed and efficacy. Consider tasks that consume HR's time, such as candidate resume analysis, tailored job ad creation, enhancing presentation tone, or aiding policy research. Chat GPT and similar platforms offer a broad array of possibilities, enabling substantial time savings.
Strategically Allocate Time
Alongside delegating to line management and embracing technology, HR professionals must strategically allocate their time to value-driven endeavours. Saying 'no' to non-essential meetings or projects can be challenging, but mastering this art will allow HR to safeguard time and focus on the more critical matters. Prioritising what truly matters relieves overwhelming pressures and therefore assists our overall wellbeing.
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